Friday, 3 July 2020

Hive Fleet Sybaris

Urgent Communique Re: Hive Fleet Sybaris

Magos, I forward to you further notes on Hive Fleet Sybaris. The splinter has been lost following it's consumption of the Pyraxia system, it is believed to be moving to the galactic East.


Arrest Report
Attending Officer: Sergeant Hamish "Hawkwind" Scott
Unit: 151st - "Jock Law's Law Dogs"
We have apprehended a juve belonging to the "Battle Buffalos" gang down in sector 58. I'm referring him for genetic testing, he has extremely pallid skin and a third, clawed arm. Suspicion is that he is a mutant, heretic or extremely convincing cosplayer.


Recovered fragment of diary of Crash Beefmuscle, heavy for the "Regent Royal Fight Kings" street gang:
Dese new preacher dudes ain't like de preacher dudes when I grew up, it's great. The big boss man got dem to come down and do the baptising on us. We pray to de Four Armed Emperor (who I believe is a local embodiment of the Emperor and thus continued worship of him is not deviation from the Imperial Creed and ergo is not heresy) and he gifts us with the hardened skin plates and all the extra arms wot we can want.


Incident Report
Senior Officer: Captain Jock "Law Dog" Law
Unit: 151st - "Jock Law's Law Dogs"
Goddamn Genestealers have infested the hive. Goddamn missed them on the gene sweeps. Gonna lead the Law Dogs on the offensive, we'll purge this infestation, I won't let no bugs take over my sector.


Distress Signal
Origin: Pyraxia Prime
Sender: General Tax Swoleman, Planetary PDF
So the Tyranids are invading. Bright pink ones with green carapace and orange claws. They are as horrific to fight as they are to look at. Backup would be nice, maybe a Space Marine Chapter or two? A Knight household wouldn't go amiss.


As you can see, Magos, the threat is intense. Of particular note is the Hive Tyrant that has been colloquially codenamed "The Withering Horrification", it is believed to currently be the prime manifestation of the Hive Mind for this particular fleet.

I await your reply and your instructions for our next course of action.

Tech Priest Bore Divinastastius
Section Lead, Research Station Rho-75.5W
Beald Secundus
(Directly to the galactic East of the Pyraxia system)