Thursday, 15 April 2021

Zone Mortalis: The Plan

Starting with the Necromunda Dark Uprising box at the end of 2019 I have acquired an astonishing amount of Zone Mortalis terrain. I have a plan to put it together in a semi-modular way - copying the layout of the card tiles from the Necromunda box for the first layer of walls, then having several modular sections that can be fitted on top.

This is the plan for the tiles - 2 using the Gang Stronghold kit, 6 tiles copying the card tiles and 1 blank tiles to place scatter terrain:


I came across this video showing off weathering using water soluble oils and I love the effect. I tested it out, along with trying out Vallejo Chipping Medium, on some Munitorum Armoured Containers:

Aside from some minor tweaks using brighter colors and putting down a layer of varnish before the chipping medium, I'm super happy with the result.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

A Tale of Many Lamers: Quarter 4

The final quarter of 2020 was a lot of fun - I really liked doing the Zoanthropes and Hive Guard, they feel much chunkier than the infantry models but nowhere near the size of the monsters I have been painting. The Ripper Swarms are fantastic little gribblies as well.


This project has been a blast. Having set goals to head towards every quarter has really pushed my painting progress forwards, and completing the army piece by piece like this on a schedule has been great for avoiding the problem of ending up with a huge backlog.

I'm not planning to go in quite as hardcore next year - I'm going to continue tracking what I paint each month and have some rough goals, but definitely not starting a new army. I'd like to clear out some of my backlog (in particular, there's a whole lot of terrain) as well as finish off some of the remaining Tyranid models I have. I might even get to play a game in 2021.