The final quarter of 2020 was a lot of fun - I really liked doing the Zoanthropes and Hive Guard, they feel much chunkier than the infantry models but nowhere near the size of the monsters I have been painting. The Ripper Swarms are fantastic little gribblies as well.
This project has been a blast. Having set goals to head towards every quarter has really pushed my painting progress forwards, and completing the army piece by piece like this on a schedule has been great for avoiding the problem of ending up with a huge backlog.
I'm not planning to go in quite as hardcore next year - I'm going to continue tracking what I paint each month and have some rough goals, but definitely not starting a new army. I'd like to clear out some of my backlog (in particular, there's a whole lot of terrain) as well as finish off some of the remaining Tyranid models I have. I might even get to play a game in 2021.